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Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a big company like Godaddy?

Updated November 20, 2023
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Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a big company like Godaddy?

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Why Hire a Local Website Hosting Provider Like 702 Pros Over a Big Company like GoDaddy?

Web Designers
Web Designers

Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a large hosting provider like Godaddy. That answer may be clear to some. However, if you are on the fence, this article may help you decide.

The Benefits

There are definitely benefits associated with hiring a local website hosting provider, like 702 Pros over a large hosting provider like Godaddy. Below is a list of some of the major benefits of hiring a local web hosting provider.

  • Clear Point of Contact

One, you have a clear company point of contact with one-on-one support.

  • No Big company Passing the Buck

If you’ve dealt with a large hosting company, or any large company for that matter before I’m sure you’ve experienced the passing the buck blues. One employee says one thing, forwards you to another department, then another representative says something else and their communication is often problematic at best. A smaller business (not too small, like a guy in his mom’s basement) a medium-sized web hosting company will provide that sweet spot of optimum hosting service.

For instance, At our company, 702 Pros, you often have a relationship with the same sales representative that has a direct line of communication to tech support staff members, so NO passing the buck like big companies love to do.

  • Additional Services Local Web Hosting Companies Provide

More often than not, your local website hosting company offers additional services to help your business grow and thrive on the web and in some cases traditionally as well. For example, at 702 Pros we offer web design, marketing, SEO, web support, branding, graphic design, logo design, in addition to our web hosting service.


Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a big company like Godaddy?Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a big company like Godaddy?Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a big company like Godaddy?Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a big company like Godaddy?

Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a big company like Godaddy?

Why hire a local website hosting provider like 702 Pros over a big company like Godaddy?


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