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How to Create a Brand Identity (A Definitive Guide)

Updated November 20, 2023
~ minute read
How to create a brand identity | 702 Pros

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How to Create a Brand Identity (A Definitive Guide)

How to Create a Brand Identity

How to Create Excellent Branding
How to Create Excellent Branding

If you want to learn how to create a brand identity, you’ve come to the right place. Building a strong brand identity is one of the most important parts of a successful business. How customers feel about your company often generates from a well-thought-out brand. This process, however, does not happen quickly. It takes a bit of time and depends heavily on a well-executed brand strategy.

Creating a successful brand takes dedication, and an intelligent team focused on effective brand design and communication execution, as well as a solid plan to deliver your brand message to the public. Although, this may seem like an overwhelming task, at first, once you’ve created a rock-star branding team it all becomes a bit easier to understand and your brand message becomes more clear not only to your team but to your customers.

In this article, we’ll cover what a brand identity is and how to effectively create a brand identity that will resonate with your customers.

What is a Brand Identity?

Let’s start by identifying exactly what a brand identity is. Some people may think a brand identity is a logo, or a commercial, or even a social media post style. All of which are correct, but brand identity is much more than just those items on their own, a brand identity encompasses all of these elements and more.

A brand identity is ultimately how your company communicates its product, company culture, and values to the world. It is the determining factor for everything a company does—think of it as the soul of your company.

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