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Tag: internet marketing

How To Build Your Online Brand on Amazon

How To Build Your Online Brand on Amazon

Introduction Using Amazon to build a successful online brand requires a multifaceted approach. This vast marketplace, where millions of customers shop daily, presents massive opportunities

702 pros can help you utilize interactive emails

Strategies for Harnessing Interactive Emails

Every conversion begins with a click, and that’s what an interactive email is all about – clicks. Interactive emails contain functional components that invite users to engage with the content, either by clicking, swiping or simply watching. Such actions can lead users to rate your services, add products to their cart, or take a quiz,… Read More »

How to Launch an eCommerce Website: Top 8 questions to ask before launch off!

It is wiser to err on the side of caution. The same is true for creating an eCommerce website. Launching what will essentially be your online storefront is not something you should take lightly, or you’d be jeopardizing the very success of your brand. So, to help you prioritize safety and foresight, here are essential… Read More »

Social media marketing (SMM) is no longer a nice-to-have strategy but an absolute necessity for brands. The reason is simple – most people today use one or more social media platforms. Consider also the trends in recent years in which holiday sales continue to increase year over year. No doubt there is much revenue to… Read More »

In recent years, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to reach more people. According to Kepios, there are approximately 4.7 billion social media users worldwide, equating to more than half of the world’s population. For brands, it is essential to leverage this massive market to avoid missing out on countless profit opportunities…. Read More »

Google’s updated Search Quality Rater Guidelines

Google’s new Search Quality Rater Guidelines update contains changes and additions to Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) and E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) that significantly impact page rankings. It is thus necessary to learn what they are and how to incorporate them into new and old content to improve search rankings. While search engine… Read More »

How Building Topical Authority Helps Boost Your Google SEO Rankings

The internet is full of websites that share similar ideas. But when it comes to rankings, search engines like Google tend to value one website’s page over another, even if their pages say the same thing about a certain topic. These rankings are where a website’s topical authority comes into play – and the higher… Read More »

SMS Marketing: How You Should Text Your Customers

One of the best approaches to creating genuine brand connections with your ideal customers is through a proven SMS marketing strategy. Your text message marketing approach needs to be highly engaging, personalized and regulatory compliant. In the discussion below, you’ll learn how an SMS marketing campaign can be an effective marketing solution to reach out… Read More »

Features Every eCommerce Store Must Include To Grow Sales

The growth of eCommerce has been substantial in the past years. Consumers have redirected their spending for travel and entertainment to purchasing goods and services from eCommerce websites. During the dawning of the pandemic in 2020, the U.S. Department of Commerce reported a 31.8 percent increase in eCommerce. With more and more purchases accomplished exclusively… Read More »

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