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Award Winning Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Your SEO Las Vegas Pros — Rank #1 on Google with 702 Pros!

Veteran Led and Locally Operated

702 Pros has been recognized as the Best SEO company in Las Vegas for the sixth year in a row. We are continuously challenged and copied by competitors but our strategies seem to always be two steps ahead.
In short, our local Las Vegas SEO Agency will get your website ranked #1 on Google and other search engines for highly competitive keywords!

Want to talk now? Give us a call at (702) 904-4262

Best Marketing Agency in the United States
702 Pros Landscape Logo Vector - with url and grow with digital catchphrase
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Basics SEO by Justin Young, the Founder of 702 Pros.

On-Page SEO Las Vegas

On-page SEO Las Vegas, as the name suggests, in any SEO done—you guessed it… ON-PAGE! But that’s not all; folks, thousands of factors contribute to SEO Las Vegas’ success.

I’m not going to go into that very much on this page, possibly to your delight. However, I will say this, we are very good at this part of the SEO puzzle and have helped businesses all over the world rank for terms on Google.

On-Page SEO Las Vegas Ranking Contributing Factors:

Many of these factors have to do with the content your produce on your website. Below are just a few of the on-page SEO las vegas ranking factors.
  • Website content
  • Website design
  • User experience
  • Content authority
  • Content clustering
  • Content dynamics
  • Content quality
  • Content quantity
  • Internal linking
  • Keyword usage
  • Keyword diversity
  • Image optimization
  • Meta Information
  • Schema
  • Business information accuracy
  • NAP info
  • Trust indicators
  • Image usage
  • Use of titles, such as H1 and H2
  • Information integrity
  • Website authority
  • Originality
  • Content age
  • Motification percantage

Grow with the Pros

Let us know about you to get started.

Want to talk now? Give us a call at (702) 904-4262

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Ready to speak with an SEO Las Vegas expert?

Call our team @

Our SEO Las Vegas Pros have your back with award-winning design and marketing,Including proven systems focused on producing the best return on your investment.

702 Pros is veteran-led design by Justin Young—Air Force Veteran and Digital Marketing Las Vegas, NV Authority.


Best SEO Las Vegas Agency

702 Pros Landscape Logo Vector - with url and grow with digital catchphrase
Google Partners
Meta Business Partners
Inc 5000

Local SEO Las Vegas

Next subject we’ll cover on our SEO service journey is local SEO. This accounts for approximately 30% of our clients and poses different challenges than non-geo-focused terms.

If you own a business that is location-based, ie a local plumbing service, or an interior design training school without digital training availability then local SEO is right for you.

More Growth Services

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How to Optimize Your Blog Posts for Search Engines What is SEO and How Does it Work in the Modern Day? In order to

Meet Our Team

I’m Justin Young, the Founder and CEO of 702 Pros. Let’s build something amazing, challenge our minds with creative and insightful development.

Justin Y.

Founder and CEO

Hi All! I oversee complete operations at 702 Pros. I’m passionate and dedicated to helping continue innovation and growth of local businesses.

Ashley M.

Chief Operations Officer

My name is Johann Olivares, I am a Web Developer for 702 Pros and I build and design awesome Web Applications with my web dev team and aim to get better each day. Sidenote – I am a huge Dragon Ball Fan.

Johann O.

Web Developer

Why you're reading this

SEO Las Vegas is important. Besides, the number 1 reason you’re still reading this is: You most likely landed on our page by searching a term (aka key term or keyword) in Google, something like: “SEO Las Vegas“, “Las Vegas SEO“, “Las Vegas SEO company“, “SEO Las Vegas“, “local SEO Las Vegas“, “best SEO companies in Las Vegas“, “SEO services Las Vegas” (all of which we rank for), or “totally AWESOME company that has the best website and I love them!!!

Okay… SEO Las Vegas reader, You got me, that last one just might be wishful thinking, but I’m almost, nearly 90% sure, you did search one of those other terms on: Google, Yahoo, or Bing to find us. And if you didn’t you’re probably trying to sell me something. Kidding.

owner of 702 Pros llc, Justin Young, USAF Air Veteran and Brand Influencer

And the second reason: I obviously, know what I’m doing. I know how to rank for key terms. I mean, just think about it, I’m ranked in the top results for Las Vegas SEO with other Las Vegas SEO Companies. Which is not an easy key term to get, one, because we are all so-called experts, and two, it’s darn competitive. In fact, just to give you an idea, there is a staggering 10 million results for each of those search terms, with the exception being: “SEO Las Vegas“, “Las Vegas SEO“, and “SEO services Las Vegas“, which have 13 million, 15 million results, and 18 million results each, respectively. So, yeah, it’s NO joke getting ranked with those numbers!

And those are numbers nothing compared to our main term “web design Las Vegas” which has a whopping… Drum roll please, I can’t believe I’m about to write this: 683,000,000 results!!! Whooofff, that’s a whole lot of zeros. and Yah… We rank number 2 in organic and number 1, typically if Google likes us, in maps. Booyahhh!!

seo results for 702 pros -web design las vegas2

Tools and Solutions

Boost Your SEO

So, one of the questions I get a lot is, “Justin, how can I boost my SEO ranking?” either it be Local Las Vegas SEO ranking boost or national SEO ranking boost. My answer can be a bit convoluted, I typically get quite a few nods, glazed eyes, and the occasional dozer. Because, let’s face it, learning about SEO is not a fun or pleasant experience! (unless you’re me!). But, that’s why you’re reading this. You don’t want to do the work for SEO, you want to pay an SEO expert to do it for you, you want your website to just rank on Google, and start earning an ROI as soon as possible.

rank boosting info
Please reference to this painfully obvious infographic ☝ . “Boost ranking with great content, this will equal more conversion. Key factors, include: Ranking, Time on Page, and Clickthrough. Infographic by 702 pros”

What Is SEO?

So what is SEO, anyways? SEO, SEM, or SER are terms designed to confuse and mesmerize you… But in non-tech geek terms – it means getting ranked on search engines, like: Bing, Yahoo, and most noteworthy Google. Search engines use intricate ranking systems to factor websites authority. The more authority your website is given by search engines – the higher your website will rank on their listings, well in theory.

google ranking | search engine optimization service

SEO Basics

building-blocks seoFirst, search engine optimization is a complex system of thousands of factors used by search engines to rank websites. Although, the foundation can be broken down into two main sections >>> On-Page search engine optimization, Off-Page search engine optimization, and SEO Las Vegas.

On-Page search engine optimization:  Is search engine optimizing done on your website? (your website text, images, how the pages are structured, etc.)

Off-Page search engine optimization:  Is search engine optimization from external sources. (i.e. links to your website, social media, website reputation or reputation management, etc.)

Both of these items are the building blocks (ah ah, see what I did there! I referenced building blocks and have a picture of what? Yes! building blocks!) of any effective search engine ranking strategy.

While you can take my word for it without checking for yourself, potential SEO Las Vegas client. Why would you, when Google can tell you themselves? Look at Google’s handy dandy starter guide for those new to SEO >> Google search engine optimization Starter Guide.

SEO Las Vegas reader... What are you waiting for? Your competition is just asking to be put in their place... 2ND PLACE!

Getting ranked on Google is Hard - There are no quick fixes or magic cures all

Search Engine Optimization - Snake OilSEO Las Vegas Clients should Avoid Modern Day Snake Oil – “For $150 a month I will get you on the first page of Google”…

If you’ve been in business in the last decade, you probably heard this phrase from a guy or gal in Florida (for example.. there is NO guy or gal in Florida)… And of course, this is not true.

For a moment, let’s imagine this was true – If everyone could pay $150/month and be listed number 1 on Google, wouldn’t everyone be number 1? Yet, this scenario opens up a whole other can of worms. If everyone is number 1, then no one is number 1 in SEO Las Vegas…

The Point I’m Making Here: You possibly find an SEO package for $150, but I wouldn’t count on it being the best BANG for your buck or tailored toward your business goals.

Example: Most search engine optimization companies charge around $50+ an hour for SEO services. So for $150/month, you would get only 3 hours or less of search engine optimization work/month from these so-called professionals. And take it from me; they won’t accomplish much in 3 hours a month of services in SEO Las Vegas.

Let's Get Real

We have the experience and the knowledge to set up, maintain and advance your website search engine optimization. We’ll break down every aspect of the process and tell you how it is, not what we think you want to hear.

Getting ranked on Google as an SEO Las Vegas expert is HARD… It’s a continuous process requiring time (a lot of it), consistency, knowledge, skill, and dedication.

In today’s market, building your website’s search engine ranking is more difficult and competitive than ever before. So now more than ever, you need a professional SEO service to grow your company’s search engine ranking. Transferring your business into the “informed social age”, where customers know what they want and they know how to find it.

It’s our job to get you in front of informed customers with the information they want to know. Allowing you to focus on taking care of your customers.

SEO Pricing

invest money in SEO

Due to the extensiveness of the internet and the industries within, SEO pricing can be hard to determine without all the facts. We need to know what industry your business is in (some industries are more competitive than others). 

In addition to industry, another critical factor would be where your business is located (SEO Las Vegas, NV is far more populated than Maysville, KY – therefore, far more brutal to rank for keywords). 

Finally, does your website need to be ranked on search engines locally or internationally (while both have their hurtles? SEO Las Vegas | International can be much more competitive and, as a result, much more expensive… 

Again that would be based more or less on the industry, etc…)

Analyze your Website On-Page SEO

  • Site titles
  • Site keywords
  • Meta descriptions
  • Image alt tags
  • "NAP" name, address, and phone number
  • Content for quality
  • Readabililty
  • Ease of navigation
  • Outbound links
  • On-page word count

More factors that effect your website On-Pae SEO positively, include:

  • Twitter cards
  • Title tags
  • Crawl errors
  • Permalinks
  • Meta descriptions
  • Robots.txt
  • Social sharing
  • XML Sitemap
  • Image titles and Alt tags
  • SRC attributes
  • Link titles
  • Semantic analysis
  • Latent semantic indexing
  • Relevance optimization
  • Meta keywords
  • Keyword density
  • Reading score
  • Internal Linking
  • Style optimization
  • Heading tags
  • Alt text
  • Taxonomy indexing
  • Google Analytics
  • Google, Bing, Webmaster Tools
  • Product optimization
  • 301 Redirects
  • Minify CSS and Java
  • Page speed
  • Breadcrumbs
  • SSL implementation
  • Responsive Website
  • Rich snippets
  • Open Graph attributes
  • Inline code optimization
  • Social auto post


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See our other services.

Las Vegas SEO Agency - Migrate from Yoast to Rank Math | Easily Switch from Yoast to Rank Math Fast - Snapshot of Rank Math Support on their website

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SEO Las Vegas reader… Using references in your copy will help you rank like this one to Rank Math, our WordPress SEO system.

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702 Pros is  the top #1 seo agency in las vegas

Grow with the Pros

Let us know about you to get started.

Want to talk now? Give us a call at (702) 904-4262

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Ready to speak with a marketing expert?

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Our Pros have your back with award-winning design and marketing,Including proven systems focused on producing the best return on your investment.

702 Pros is veteran-led design by Justin Young—Air Force Veteran and Digital Marketing Las Vegas, NV Authority.


We have compiled hundreds of FAQs about digital marketing, web design, traditional marketing, SEO, website support, website hosting, how our system works, and general 702 Pros’ next-level customer service questions and answers. Take a look at our FAQs or please do not hesitate to give our team a call @ +1(702) 904-4262

We have developed websites for a number of industries, including but not limited to: Fitness website design E-commerce website design Real estate website design
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Yes! 702 Pros main office is located in Las Vegas, NV. Our office on Rancho, just south of Palace Station. The address is 2950 S
Yes, you need hosting to have a live website on the internet. In addition to hosting, you’ll need a domain as well as an
Why – in a world of website builder tools would someone possibly hire a professional web designer to do a website for them? Short

Recent Articles

Interested in learning more about digital marketing vs traditional marketing, and how the two should be utilized to get you the best ROI or (return on investment). Or possibly—how much more money your business could generate with a well-designed website that focuses on your customers’ pain points and delivers the best possible user experience or UX.

Additionally, our blog covers the markets we provide our marketing services in and how those markets differ from one another or in some cases resemble each other. If you are interested in learning to grow you business then consider visiting our blog and subscribing for more content

Best Top #1 Your SEO Las Vegas Pros — Rank #1 on Google with 702 Pros! Las Vegas, NV | Your SEO Las Vegas Pros — Rank #1 on Google with 702 Pros! Agency | Justin Young, US Air Force Veteran and CEO of 702 Pros
Justin Young Signature - 702 Pros

Justin YoungCEO of 702 Pros

I'm Justin Young
Air Force Veteran, Founder and CEO of 702 Pros.

I lead our team to grow our client’s businesses with smart and innovative web design and digital sales systems. I treat every business like it were my own, giving each the attention it deserves. In short, our experts will focus on delivering the best results producing the greatest ROI for your business.

Let’s talk about your business!


Deals on Web Design Pricing in Las Vegas, NV

Hurry our web design deals in Las Vegas, NV will only last for a limited time only. Our team of Las Vegas, NV web designers have the experience and knowledge to get your business off to the best start possible or improve your business presence with SEO Las Vegas, NV, digital marketing Las Vegas, NV, web support and website hosting Las Vegas, NV

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Best SEO Agency in Las Vegas, NV

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Starter Web Design

Starter web design packages are intended for startups to get a quick online presence.


Starting at$299.99

  • Free, no-commitment consultation.
  • Up to 3 pages.
  • Responsive design for desktop, laptop, and mobile.
  • Basic SEO setup.
  • Blog functionality for simple updates and company news.
  • Free SSL certificate for site validation.
Most Popular Plan

Essential Web Design

Essential Web Design Package delivers a professional website for small businesses at budget pricing.


Starting at$1,599.99

  • Free, no-commitment consultation.
  • Up to 7 pages.
  • Advanced features such as video headers, image sliders, and galleries.
  • Responsive design for desktop, laptop, and mobile.
  • Basic SEO setup.
  • Blog functionality for simple updates and company news.
  • Free SSL certificate for site validation.
Most Popular Plan

Standard Web Design

This is ideal for small to medium size companies who would like to increase their business awareness and professionalism.


Starting at$3,499.99

  • Free, no-commitment consultation.
  • Up to 15 pages.
  • Advanced features such as video headers, image sliders, and galleries.
  • Responsive design for desktop, laptop, and mobile.
  • Standard SEO setup.
  • Blog functionality for simple updates and company news.
  • Free SSL certificate for site validation.

Pros Web Design

Delivers elevated functions & dynamic content on your website with custom visually appealing elements.


Starting at$7,999.99

  • Free, no-commitment consultation.
  • Up to 20 pages.
  • Advanced features such as video headers, image sliders, and galleries.
  • Responsive design for desktop, laptop, and mobile.
  • Standard SEO setup.
  • Blog functionality for simple updates and company news.
  • Free SSL certificate for site validation.
Most Popular Plan
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Want to talk now? Give us a call at (702) 904-4262

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Want to talk now? Give us a call at (702) 904-4262

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