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Why Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local Business

Updated November 20, 2023
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Why Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local Business

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Why Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local Business

Why You Should Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local Business

If you have a small local business. This article will go over some reasons why you should create a YouTube channel for your local business. The benefits of this may seem unclear to most small businesses because YouTube seems competitive, or you don’t know if you will reach any of your ideal customers through the platform. Both valid points to think about, however there are numerous reasons why you will benefit.

Reason #1: YouTube is owned by Google

Being a small business owner, you probably are or should be aware of something called search engine optimization or SEO. In a nutshell, SEO is how your business can be found on Google for keywords or key terms your customers are searching for on the search engine giant,

Now where does YouTube play into all this? Like the title above expresses, is owned by Google and it doesn’t take a whole lot of logical thinking to realize that any effort put into YouTube will be of benefit to your search results.

Reason #2: YouTube is the second most Popular Site behind Google

You may not have realized that YouTube is the second most popular website on the web, just after its parent company, Google. Now, another big key point is people spend tons of time using youTube for entertainment, education, and even reviews of services or products they are interested in.

Reason #3: Our third and Final Reason Covers How a YouTube Helps Raise Awareness and Authority for Your Local Business

Create a YouTube channel with helpful content can be a major benefit to you. Start by creating a YouTube channel, then start to create product review videos of your products, or how-to videos talking about a service you provide. If your customer is viewing this video on your website or even YouTube you have definitely separated yourself from the competition. I can’t tell you how many times my clients have mentioned one of our videos in a meeting. It shows that we care about the services we provide and we are experts at said services.

In addition to the above reasons/benefits of creating a YouTube channel. There are even more including but not limited to affiliate marketing benefits, YouTube channel monetization, and cross-over business collaboration. All of these will help you on your business journey.

I hope this article helped you, if you need any assistance with creating a YouTube channel or content creation, we can help you out. Schedule a call within our team for more information, view our YouTube channel or our video page on 702 Pros.
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Why Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local BusinessWhy Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local BusinessWhy Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local Business

Why Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local Business

Why Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local Business

Why Create a YouTube Channel for Your Local Business

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