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Find the Power of Flexible Thinking & Advertising at Regis

Updated January 29, 2024
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Alumni Ryan Boh credits his Regis University education with setting him up for professional success.


“Every day is different.” That’s how Ryan Boh describes his work for Oracle, where his current title is Head of Activation & Identity Product Strategy. He’s in an industry that changes every day, in a volatile technological and regulatory environment. As he rubs shoulders with top executive leaders and finds ways to solve changing problems, Ryan credits his Regis University education — Master of Science in Marketing, class of 2019 — with setting him up for success.


“At the time I was at a massive global advertising agency, working with a lot of data and technology. There were classes at Regis that were oriented for those types of activities. The classes themselves, the basic curriculum, was a little more general than what I needed, but I had professors who were eager and willing to make the classes more challenging, which I was grateful for. I ended up having a very positive experience because of them.”


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Find the power of flexible thinking & advertising at regis 2


“[Regis has] an innovation competition, and I was able to enroll and participate just like anybody going through the on-campus experience. I was working with a few other gentlemen who were interested in bringing a gaming company to market. We were building up a Kickstarter and we used the innovation competition to test out our pitch, see how it would land and figure out where we would need to level up the product. We got to see how a room of customers we had never engaged with would respond to that. We got a lot of great feedback, and it was a great experience all around.”


“I’m very bullish on Catholic liberal arts schools because of the focus on the whole: the whole person, the whole environment. Being a multidisciplinary thinker has been a tremendous advantage in the workforce and otherwise. That was a major part of my decision to go to Regis. I felt like a Jesuit Catholic liberal arts school would be a great place to spend my graduate studies and I have no regrets.”

Get Down to Business with Regis University

The post Find the Power of Flexible Thinking & Advertising at Regis appeared first on American Marketing Association.

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