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A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys

Updated January 23, 2024
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A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys 702 Pros

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User experience surveys


UX Survey
UX Survey

A 10-step guide on improving your website’s user experience surveys: The relationship between design and usability is crucial to your website’s success. If website functionality is emphasized over aesthetics, it can lead to poor functionality. A website that does not immediately grab a user’s attention will be ignored.

A better user experience online is more important than ever, with global online sales expected to surpass 23% of all retail sales by 2023.

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: Intro

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: Many applications use an app rating or a WordPress maintenance check for feedback. It isn’t easy to track website customer experience. Website experience surveys are a great tool to ensure longevity.

This post will explain what a site user experience survey is, and how you can use them to improve the user experience on your website. 702 Pros Digital Marketing

What is a survey about website user experience?

Website surveys are a great way to get feedback from customers about your website. Users are the best source of information about your website experience.

Call centers use a CSAT (customer satisfaction rating) to measure customer satisfaction. This survey plays after each interaction. The same applies to online surveys.

In 10 easy steps, you can use your user experience survey results

It would help if you asked the right questions to understand your customer’s journey. Before you decide where to place your surveys, consider your goals and the information you want to gain.

The global online survey market will grow by 10% over the next few years, as you can see. Let’s look at what you can do to capitalize on this.

1. What kind of feedback do you want?

It would help if you defined the feedback you want to receive to use surveys effectively. You can generally categorize feedback from website users by drivers, barriers, or hooks.

  • Drivers – What features of your product draw people to your site? Are you selling products, or are you providing a service? This information will help you improve your surveys and increase your revenues.
  • Barriers are those aspects of your website that make it difficult for people to engage with you. It doesn’t matter if it is poorly designed, not responsive, or contains expired links. These negatives can be identified by website feedback.
  • Hooks – The elements of your website that convert customers into users. What is it that keeps customers coming back to your site? These hooks can be expanded upon to increase your customer base.

Once you have chosen the target market, you can begin compiling your surveys. Let’s take an example of a company specializing in unlimited hosting plans. Their primary goal would be to discover what drives customers to their site.

2. Formatting your questions

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys 702 Pros: People scan, not read. Many users only read what they believe they need to answer the question. It is, therefore, essential to keep your questions short and simple.

Let’s take, for example, the desire to get feedback from users about a cloud-based comparison call center software feature. Instead of asking long, boring questions that can lead to fatigue, ask a quick and engaging questions.

3. Asking the right questions

Focus your survey questions on what you are trying to solve to get the user insights and data you need. It is a great idea to ask your customers if they can achieve their online goals. What was their experience? How happy were they with their interactions?

Let’s take a look at a WordPress eCommerce-inspired web design. We can use survey questions to find out which customers referred you to this site. These questions can be found on your landing page, the users’ first point of contact.

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: Examples of driver questions are “What brought you to our site today?” and “How did you hear about it?” Knowing what brought you to your site will help you better understand your target audience.

4. Ask open-ended questions

Open-ended questions are the best way for insight to be gained. This allows users to respond in their own words rather than giving a rating or a yes/no answer to polar questions.

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: Polar questions may not provide much feedback, but they can still be used. It will help the user remember the topic better if you ask a yes/no question. You can follow it up with an open-ended query to get better results.

You can use the business telephone systems example to ask questions like “What are your initial impressions?” and “What is your opinion about the system?” These open-ended questions allow you to explore the subject at a deeper level.

5. People who have spent time on your site

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: Different pages can provide different feedback. A better understanding of your website from customers will result in more significant insights. This is the best time to ask customers what they love most about your website.

Users who show engagement indicate that they are satisfied with their online experience. High traffic can result in high conversion rates.

Survey results can be used to maximize company productivity. Understanding why customers engage with your site will help you to make better decisions.

6. Make sure to use an exit survey

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: It is essential to understand what your users love about your website. However, it’s equally important to learn what they don’t like. How can you improve your website if you don’t know the barriers and negatives?

Exit surveys help gain valuable insight from customers who cancel their subscriptions or abandon items in their baskets. These surveys can be used to identify issues on your website’s pages.

Exit survey questions include:

  • Why did you decide to cancel your subscription?
  • What can you do to make your online experience better?
  • Did you find all you wanted?

Website owners can become too familiar with their websites, which can cause blindness. Because it isn’t new, you may not be able to see the potential problems that could affect your users.

7. Pop-up customer surveys

Different survey types can be used for different areas of your website. A pop-up survey is the best way to get feedback. It is easy to see and grab the attention of website visitors.

Instead of displaying popups on landing page pages, which could be annoying for your customers, These popups should be triggered after at least two to three pages of engagement. Only targeted customers will see them that way.

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: The website pop-up survey should only ask three questions. It is easy to complete and does not redirect the visitor to another page. It doesn’t require personal information, so privacy is not an issue.

Pop-up questions should be focused on website appearance and not in-depth questions.

8. Chat live

Live chat is more famous for customers who are already on your site. Because feedback is given in real-time, it will be more accurate.

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: It is convenient for your customers and economical for you. Live chat is the preferred method of communicating with companies by around 74% of customers. You can monitor customer issues and resolve them for future purchases by being available to customers during the engagement.

Both you and your customers will benefit from it. The live chat function allows customers to access help using YouTube parameters easily. You can also see if any issues with your current parameters need to be addressed. It’s a win/win situation.

9. Place a feedback button at the top of your website

A feedback button, or widget, is usually a tiny icon that opens a mini-app. It can be placed anywhere on your website and allows users to leave feedback on their visiting pages.

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: Clicking on the icon will open a brief survey and allow users to answer an open-text question. The user can also give feedback on questions that have not been asked.

Until now, users have been giving feedback on pre-approved questions. You can use the feedback button to let others know about any issues you might not have noticed. This button gives the user control over their feedback.

10. Make sure your survey doesn’t affect the user experience on your website.

It would help if you did not make feedback surveys about your website’s user experience a goal. It is about asking for feedback at the right place and time.

It is better to ask pricing questions at the pricing stage than on the landing pages. It is about knowing what is essential.

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: A website survey on a page could be another example. These are located at the bottom of each page and contain insightful questions related to that page. One example is asking, “Did you find all you needed?” on an FAQ page.

Avoid the dreaded intercept survey. These surveys can disrupt a customer’s journey. These surveys interrupt the user’s experience and can lead to a customer losing their future business.

Wrapping up

A 10-step guide on how to improve your website’s user experience surveys: User feedback is similar to differentiated instruction in the classroom. Your website will learn from students using their teaching methods. Each user is unique so that each user will offer a different experience. Your website, and you can make sure that they are heard.


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user experience surveys

user experience surveys

user experience surveys

user experience surveys

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user experience surveys

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