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30 Lead Generation strategies 2022 by 702 Pros

Updated July 14, 2023
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30 Lead Generation strategies 2022 by 702 Pros - lead generated

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30 Lead Generation strategies 2022 – The process of attracting business leads is called lead generation. It includes lead research, lead management (identification, maintenance), lead distribution/sharing among sales team members, lead analysis, leads nurturing, and lead ranking to determine if a lead has the potential to become a customer. Finally, it involves the conversion of qualified leads to paying customers or clients.

One person can generate leads or the entire sales/marketing team. This could include creating offline lead lists via direct mail, print advertising, and telemarketing campaigns. Internet-based lead generation can be done through emailing sites that have paid for advertisements to entice users into providing their contact information. This information will then be added to your mailing lists. Or through search engines that establish website contact info through paid advertisements.

Lead generation can result in lists of qualified prospects, potential customers, and customers open to learning more about your products and services. It also allows you to target existing customers who need special attention (such as renewals, discounts, etc.). It doesn’t end when you have the lead. It continues until the lead is a customer.

30 Lead Generation strategies 2022 for jump-starting your lead generation

1. Identify specific website visitors

We use state-of-the-art Identification Resolution technology, which identifies your specific visitors. Gone are the days when you could only receive a company name and an IP address. 702 Pros doesn’t use IP addresses, so they can give you information about your visitors, even if they work from home.

Information you want to get about website visitors:

  • First name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Title
  • Phone Number
  • Email address(es)
  • Personal LinkedIn Profile
  • Navigation Behavior

2. Utilize Intent Data

Data is a key issue for marketing executives. Intent data is the new currency in marketing. It allows you to target high-quality leads, increase conversion rates and convert more buyers into customers.

Intent data refers to information about search queries that reveal the intent of users to find products and services. This would indicate that someone is looking to switch their home phone service.

Imagine your business being able to identify the people searching for your services. This information will allow you to target them via search engines, social networks, and email.

702 Pros provides contact-level intent data. This includes the people who searched your keywords and your website. Here’s a calendar to schedule a meeting to discuss your intent data.

3. Connect with Influencers


Reach out to trade publications and industry influencers to offer information or case studies in return for an email introduction to your target client.

– Create a network with influencers.

– Promote your business to potential customers.

Get the support of industry experts to grow your business.

Influencers are often overlooked as a B2B lead generation channel. Every industry has a LinkedIn influencer who has 10s of thousand of followers. Get in touch! LinkedIn is an excellent place for you to start.

4. Identify your Ideal Customers

Personas are a tool that allows you to segment your customer base into groups with similar traits, backgrounds, and problems. This will enable you to refine the messaging on your landing pages to attract more qualified leads.

For an ICP to be developed, you need to ask questions about your target customers. What are their problems? What are the challenges in their jobs? What is the background of someone who could be an excellent fit to your product?

Next, create templates to describe the customers you want. You can fill in details as they become available by creating a template. You will be better equipped to generate leads if you know more about each customer. This information can be used to create targeted landing pages or presentations that convert qualified leads into sales.

You can learn more about ICs by studying the marketing efforts of other successful companies. You can learn from the marketing strategies of other successful companies to help you create a profile that will make it easier to reach your ideal customers. An ICP template can help you increase your leads’ quality and chances of selling. It is much easier to generate leads if you know the right messaging and who to target.

5. Make Content for Every Stage in the Buying Cycle

You should ensure that you are creating content throughout the buying process. This includes blog posts and case studies, even if they don’t target keywords specific to your product. These pieces of content are great at attracting visibility, search traffic, social media engagement (i.e., social sharing), and qualified leads.

– Increase visibility

– Attract qualified leads.

– Increase your search engine and social media traffic.

Impress potential customers by writing a blog post or case study highlighting your business, product or service.

6. Look beyond the landing page

While your landing page is the best way to get leads, opt-in forms can be added to your website or blog. This will enable you to collect contact information from visitors so you can market to them directly, even if they don’t convert immediately. ClickFunnels are a great place for you to start. This article is great for website visitors.

7. Get involved in the right communities


Find online communities where your ideal customers spend their time. This could be forums, LinkedIn groups, or Facebook groups. It’s a great way of building trust and relationships with these users through providing useful content and answering their queries. You may even find that some of them will refer others to your company.

  • Sell paper for printers? Participate in discussions about printing issues or join LinkedIn groups for companies producing posters, manuals, and other materials.
  • Small businesses can sell software. Join Facebook groups for small business owners looking for suggestions on what products or services they should purchase.

8. Do not neglect your existing customers

Maintain constant contact with customers as they move towards becoming paying customers. This could include sending them emails and calling them to update on key developments that may affect their buying decision.

Ask for referrals. A simple email asking, “Do you know anyone who could benefit from our software?”. Referrals are a great source of lead generation.

9. Focus on Lead Nurturing

Once you have generated leads, don’t stop! Once you’ve found a lead that is interested, it’s crucial to nurture them through the sales funnel. Drip marketing sends relevant content at regular intervals via email or other communication channels specifically designed for marketers (e.g., HubSpot). Lead nurturing is a great way to build brand awareness, and trust and convert leads into sales. Companies are increasingly implementing lead nurturing strategies on a regular schedule.

Lead nurturing, in general, is the act of maintaining contact with potential customers over time. This could be done via email or phone contact in a home-based company. In a service-driven sector

Automate as many of your lead nurturing efforts when you can, especially when it comes to email marketing. Automated processes can help you save time and maintain a consistent message to leads even though no one is actively managing it.

It can seem impossible to nurture leads if you are part of a small startup with limited marketing resources. But, nurturing leads can be a time-efficient process that results in higher conversion rates if you have the right tools.

Tips for nurturing leads

  • As much as possible, automate lead nurturing
  • Your message is what you should be focusing on
  • Be consistent
  • Provide valuable content to prospects at regular intervals
  • Email is the best channel to nurture leads.
  • To maximize your time and resources, track which messages are most effective to optimize your time.
  • Set up a trial account to see how many leads your business can cultivate!

It takes on average 12 touches before prospects take action in 2022. Lead nurturing is crucial!

10. Use follow-up automation

Automating your follow-up process can help you streamline your work and save time. You won’t have to neglect qualified leads who are ready to buy. Automating allows you to save time and be more efficient by automating multiple communications at once rather than manually sending them out.

It is a great tool to have. Follow-up automation allows you to have deeper conversations with leads, before they become customers. This will allow you to provide a better customer experience. These are three tips to help you use follow-up automation to increase your company’s lead generation and improve your conversion rate.

Make a sequence that is targeted at your audience.

Personalization is key to follow-up automation. You can tailor the sequence to your contact’s information so that you provide them with more pertinent information that will help them make a decision and take action. This information can vary depending on your product or service. It could range from basic information about what you offer, to more detailed information that can solve their problem immediately.

Use relevant content

Relevant content is a great way to communicate online with people because it is relevant to their specific needs and preferences. You can tailor your messages to each individual and create more relevant content. This will help you provide solutions for any problem they may be having. This will help increase your business’s value and create a stronger connection with your customers.

Customize your product or service

The follow-up sequence gives you the opportunity to highlight the most important features of your product or service and personalize it for the individual. You can use relevant content and information about the person to show how your product or services can solve their problem. This will help increase your conversion rate.

11. Use Inbound calls

Customers often make their initial contact with you via live chat or email. But why not use this opportunity to build a relationship right from the start? Qualified leads calling your company directly is the best way to share what you have to offer them than by making an inbound phone call. This is because you can use techniques like active listening and building relationships that are not possible online.

12. Be transparent about your product

Demonstrating trust is one of the fastest ways to gain it. By creating transparent content (e.g. demo videos, case studies), potential customers will be more inclined to believe what you have said about your product.

13. Perform Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research
Keyword Research

Your blog posts’ success will depend on the content they contain. Because search engines cannot read images, keywords are essential in blogging. Search engines don’t care about the beauty of a page, they only care about what it says. Keyword analysis is an important tool that helps you identify the needs of your readers so you can use the right keywords in your content.

Search engines use keywords to index specific types of data online. To help with keyword analysis, it’s a good idea to install an SEO plugin on any website. Write posts that are relevant to search engines.

There are several things to remember when performing keyword analysis. Keywords should be directly related to the information in your posts. Your SEO and lead generation will benefit from being more precise in targeting keywords.

Remember that keywords should not be too many. It will be difficult for your readers to understand what you are saying if your blog post is an index of all the keywords you target. Your blog should flow naturally, so that readers can easily read your content.

When performing keyword analysis, it is important to understand your competitors. To be able to compete in the SERPs (search engines results pages), you need to know which keywords your competitors are targeting. You can use your SEO plugin to find keywords being targeted. However, if the keywords are not directly relevant to your blog you will need to create more specific keywords.

When performing keyword analysis on your blog posts, it is important to remember who your readers are. To keep people coming back for more, you need to provide the content they are looking for. If they find the information useful enough, they will keep coming back before you publish a new post.

Everybody is different, so it’s smart to do keyword analysis on your blog or website to see what keywords people use to find you.

You can start keyword analysis on your blog posts by reviewing the posts that have received the most engagement and views. Then, you can compare the most successful posts with keywords that brought people to your site. Make sure you target a keyword that you want more people searching for in your blog posts.

When performing keyword analysis on your blog content, it doesn’t matter whether you are writing about fashion or politics. You can connect with your readers by knowing what keywords and phrases they are using to search engines for information similar to yours. This will help you build trust and increase your blog’s success.

SEMrush is a great tool for Keyword analysis.

Example of Keyword Research for “Womens Shoes”

14. Personalize it

Remember why you do what your do. It is important to create personalized experiences for qualified leads. This could include manually responding to their emails, or tailoring an outreach campaign to meet their needs.

Customizing your messaging is an important aspect of lead generation. It is a great way to establish a relationship with potential clients by using language that is tailored to their industry, past behavior and demographic. According to research, generic templates have a lower click-through rate than personalized emails.

15. Utilize Marketing Automation Platforms

Hubspot and Marketo are great resources for companies that want to integrate marketing automation into their business strategies. They can be used by all industries, regardless of customer base. Any company can save time and automate daily tasks with a Marketing Automation Platform.

These platforms are intuitive and don’t require any technical knowledge. These platforms provide pre-designed marketing workflows that save users hours and allow them to focus on revenue-generating activities.

These platforms can be confusing for many companies. Here are some reasons you should consider implementing them in your strategy.

Market Automation Platforms enable marketers to increase their lead generation by creating custom lead scoring rules. These rules automatically determine when someone is ready for contact.

Marketers can also use Marketing Automation Platforms to collect key insights automatically. These insights are then compiled into a marketing database that allows them to track everything, from the lead score and revenue generated for each customer to the exact day they’re most likely buy.

Companies can access all of this information in one place, which allows them to personalize their campaigns and increase the likelihood of seeing a return on their investment in lead generation.

The Marketing Automation Platforms include extensive reporting capabilities that enable users to see which marketing strategies are effective and which are not.

16. Use trigger marketing

Trigger marketing is a great way to provide customers with immense value by engaging with them based upon their actions and behaviors. This encourages them to become more involved with your product. Send an email to a lead if they haven’t used the platform for more than 30 days. This could be an example of trigger marketing.

When your team recognizes a lead to be in a particular stage of your sales funnel, you should send them marketing emails. This allows them to access the relevant content, products or services at that stage.

Trigger marketing can also be a great way to create positive brand experiences for existing customers. You can send your customers product updates and modifications since the last time they purchased if you are having trouble attracting repeat business.

17. Social Media can be authentically used

Use Social Media
Use Social Media

Ask prospects what they value the most about social media. Most will answer authenticity. Companies need to see social media as more than a way to promote their products. Otherwise, they will come across as disingenuous, and lose trust in a matter of minutes.

Your prospects must know that the content comes from an authoritative source in order to build credibility. With the right strategy, a blog can be a powerful marketing tool. You can build links which are one of Google’s most crucial ranking factors. It also positions your brand as a thought-leader in the industry.

Your content should be relevant, informative, and useful to your prospects. This will help you build trust with them. You should not only write posts that are useful for your prospects but also be active on social media channels. This helps to build an online relationship with prospects and may lead to customers.

Asking questions and answering their questions on your wall are great ways to engage prospects on social media. Then, share their content with your friends.

18. Prioritize Lead Qualification

Lead qualification, when done correctly, can differentiate between those who actually need you and those who just want you. By finding people who are ready/willing buy, you will avoid wasting your time on leads that don’t require your attention.

Lead qualification, in other words is an important step in your marketing and selling funnel. It allows you to get to the bottom of the barrel by removing those who aren’t ready or willing buy.

You can improve your productivity by including a lead qualification process in the sales and marketing stages. This will allow you to focus on the leads that are most important. Your team should be able to identify the “wheat” and focus on the opportunities that will convert to customers through lead qualification.

Lead qualification, when done correctly, can differentiate between those who actually need you and those who just want you. By finding people who are ready/willing buy, you will avoid wasting your time on leads that don’t require your attention.

19. Do On-Page SEO

Google has over 200 ranking factors. But content is the most important. Your website can be seen as a thought leader and optimized to rank well for specific keywords. This will allow you to attract qualified leads who are searching for the product or service you offer.

On-page SEO is at its core, the elements that you control on your website. These include page titles, meta descriptions and URLs.

To rank on search engine result pages (SERPs) in the way you want, you must have a solid understanding of the interplay between these elements. This will help you to determine how the ranking process works. Here are some key areas.

Blog Post Headlines

Without a great headline, great content is impossible. Just as blog headlines are crucial to the success and relevance of your content, so are page titles. Page titles are also important in on-page SEO. Your page titles will rank higher in SERPs if you are more specific, mainly if you target popular search terms.

Page URLs

Page URLs also influence on-page SEO for lead generation. They can either help or hurt your chances of ranking. Your decision when you choose the URL slug to a blog post will be the basis for all subsequent content. You should use keywords that are relevant to your rank.

Meta Descriptions

A meta description is essential if you want people click on your search results above all the others. It should be concise and catch their attention in the first few lines. This section should address your target keywords.

Headings and Images

Google rewards well-organized content structures. Headings and images are also important in deciding what to place where. Google may penalize you if your heading for a blog post serves one purpose while the heading for a page serves another.

Many other components contribute to on-page optimization. For more information, see Neil Patel.

Important Notes – Your blog headlines should contain primary keywords as well as secondary keywords with medium- to long-tail specificity. Page titles should also include primary keywords. Meta descriptions should include your primary keyword. Headings and images should have a purpose and provide context. Check out Vision Friendly for great SEO.

20. Speed up your website’s pages

Website Speeds
Website Speeds

Why? Because a slow website will result in a drop in leads. People expect websites to load in two seconds or less. Google will rank faster websites than slower websites.

Long loading times = More visitors abandoning your site before it finishes loading = Poor user experience which leads to lower conversions

Google has used website speed for ranking purposes since years. Because you are assumed to have less quality content, a slow website will be ranked lower in search engine result pages (SERPs). People who are interested in your topic will be less likely to visit your website. They might also abandon it if the site takes too long to load.

21. Assemble with other companies

Referring to other companies who are facing similar problems to yours could help drive traffic to your site and increase the chances of them buying your product. To increase your lead generation, you can use each other’s email addresses.

22. Do not focus on features, but value

Instead of listing ten features, focus on one benefit. This strategy will increase market demand because it is focused on solving a specific problem. Buyers won’t feel overwhelmed by the many features available if they are looking for a solution. This will allow them to see that there is only one right answer.

This strategy is key to driving leads for your product. Instead of focusing on features, focus on providing value. People don’t care so much about the product as they do about how it can help them.

It is important to realize that people don’t get excited about your product. They are more interested in the results of your product than features. You won’t be able build a strong brand if you only focus on the features of your product.

23. Chat Live

Increased lead generation is possible with live chat. It is most popular because it allows potential customers to ask more questions and make informed decisions about their purchase.

It’s also easy to track the conversion rate of live chat. It is easy to set goals in chat software that will allow you to see when leads become interested in your conversation.

Your website will be more mobile-friendly if you use live chat. Because it’s an offline conversation, customers can visit your website from their phones while talking to a sales representative. Because they are already engaged, customers will respond more quickly to your call to action when they leave live chat.

Chatting live is a great way to get people talking quickly! You’ll always have someone available to help you, so there’s no reason not to use it. Chatting live with someone is faster than email and you can continue the conversation from your website.

24. Use personalized URLs

You can increase the chances that your landing page will get shared via social media by customizing uniform resource locators, (URLs). This strategy is particularly effective if it includes a person’s names.

A customized URL is more than just an advertisement. It’s a way for people to share their brand affiliation and name with your product. Because personalized URLs transform your company’s advertising into endorsements by real people, it is possible to argue that this has a greater impact than traditional advertising.

Personal URLs are a great way to track referrals, quantify your return on investment (ROI) and make it easy to scale your marketing campaigns.

Personalization in URLs can also be used to improve search engine optimization (SEO). Personalized URLs help you to send the right message to Google and the consumer, allowing your brand to rank higher on search results.

Personalized URLs are also useful for creating more effective sales funnels. They allow you to track every stage of your sales process. You can make sure that each visitor receives the correct content at the right moment by using personalized URLs. This prevents visitors from abandoning your funnel before they complete it.

Start with your homepage to find out what makes each page unique. Next, find a way for your visitor to enter their name.

You can use several tools to create a customized URL such as bitly or Google UTM parameters.

Keep in mind: When you create a personalized URL for your homepage it is important to identify the reasons each page on your website is unique. This article will help you to create personalized URLs for targeted landing pages.

25. Use video

Videos can make your website stand out among the rest. They’re also unique because you can give valuable information to your prospects without asking for anything in return. Use video lead generation on social media platforms to send personalized messages to your prospects!

By investing in quality video production, you can tell your brand’s story with high-quality videos that are more engaging and generate leads.
Companies can build customer trust by using video to show that they support the product. Potential customers can visualize the product’s functionality by using video.

You can guide customers through the buying process by using videos on your website. This allows you to provide valuable content that is easy to understand and shows your appreciation for working with you. This could lead to increased engagement and decreased cart abandonment. This allows companies to generate more leads than having visitors abandon the site without taking further actions, such as contacting them for more information. We recommend Loom.

26. Promote Giveaways

Promote Giveaways
Promote Giveaways

You can show your personality and give away something free to build customer trust. This strategy is best used with lead generation forms and email list capture.

You’ll need something unique and valuable for your company, such as a month of free service or a premium account upgrade. Either use an existing promotion or create one for lead generation. Personal giveaways are a great way to promote your brand on social media.

You’ll need to run a giveaway.

  • Give away a product or service
  • Promoting on social media and elsewhere
  • Promotions can be announced on social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter.
  • This is a way for potential entrants to get in (e.g., a landing page on your site or posts on social networking websites).
  • A list of email addresses can be used to gather contact information from interested parties to follow up after the promotion ends.

Your giveaway can be run for several weeks. Use it as a way to spread the word and notify participants when it ends. Giveaways can lead to long-term leads.

27. Use Personalized Language

Converting leads will be easier if you use phrases and words familiar to them. Instead of using the term “click here”, you can use “this” because it is a word your prospects are familiar with. If you were selling software for accountants, avoid words like “to do” as most accountants will view their tasks in the opposite direction. Instead, use words such as “cash flow”.

No matter what industry you are in, it would help if you used individual language. However, it is especially effective if you are in an industry with mature prospects who are well-educated and use complicated terminology.

Use Personalized language for outbound marketing to people

  1. The name of the person
  2. Your company name. You don’t want it to be too long or you’ll look spammy.
  3. Your product name (if the prospect doesn’t know it, they won’t be likely to convert).
  4. Use lead-specific phrases and words that are relevant to your industry or product.
  5. Sentences, words, or phrases that support their problem(s).
  6. Sentences that call for action without being pushy
  7. Closing sentences that sum up the product
  8. Your website URL (best place)

Here’s an example of how your email might look if you were selling a web-based tool for managing projects for engineers.

James Doe, I just wanted to inform you about’s latest release:

– A new feature has been added that organizes and prioritizes your work automatically based on the most important things for you and your team

Drag and Drop functionality is easier and more intuitive.

If you have any problems, check out our tutorials!

You can try it for free here:

This is only one example of a personalized language that can be used in lead-generation emails. But it’s not all. Personalization can also be combined with transactional emails (messages that relate to specific actions), giving you twice the exposure, regardless of who you are talking to.

28. Use UTM Codes

You can track the effectiveness of links you share and optimize future campaigns by adding UTM codes. UTM codes have many benefits, including lead generation.

UTM codes can be confusing. Here’s a definition from G2 Crowd. These tags transmit information about the visitor’s behavior and device when they click on the link. This information helps marketers optimize campaigns and track their success.

UTM tags can be used to share a link to your product’s website in many ways

  1. You can attach the UTM codes to most marketing automation and analytics software. They look something like this:
  2. Bitly and many other link shorteners allow you to add UTM codes. You can create a free account to monitor your campaigns and share the links on social media.
  3. You can add UTM codes to hyperlinks you create in email.

UTM codes are essential for tracking social media efforts, but they also allow you to share links across multiple platforms with different goals. When someone clicks on a Twitter link with UTM tags it will display campaign information in your analytics dashboard. This includes the tweet, text or link they clicked to reach your site.

If someone clicks on an email link that contains UTM codes and is shared via email marketing, it will display campaign information in your Analytics Dashboard. This includes details such as which email was opened and what links were clicked to reach your site.

You can market multiple products with different UTM codes within the same email. You can, for example, add a link on your product using one set UTM tags and then add a link to your company’s services using another set of UTM tags (one per product).

You can track which links work best for each product and optimize your future efforts.

29. Integrate with Social Media

Social media users who active should integrate their websites with other platforms to make it easy for them to access the content. This will reduce friction and increase conversion rates.

Social media integration allows users to sign up for or log in to your website seamlessly using their existing social media accounts such as Twitter or Facebook.

Why companies should integrate social media

  • Users can log in easily via their existing Facebook or Google accounts to reduce friction and increase conversion rates, rather than creating a new account.
  • Your social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter, can be used to provide customer service. This can lead to valuable feedback and market insights.
  • You can maintain a consistent brand voice on all channels. This helps you to build trust and authority, as well as improve SEO through link building.

30. Know your metrics

Knowing your website metrics and sales funnels inside and out is the difference between success with your lead generation systems and, well… not. Follow the rules in this list and study the data to take your lead-generation strategies to the next level.


We are here to help you prepare for the future of lead generation and marketing. We want to ensure that your company stays on top of the latest technology trends, such as these 29 strategies for 2022.

Lead generation is about building relationships with potential customers until they become paying customers. It all depends on the type of business and what products or services you offer.

Contact us anytime to learn more about 702 Pros and how it can help your company. We are happy to address any concerns or questions you may have and to set up a meeting.

We can assist clients with any digital marketing strategy, whether they need it via Zoom or a simple phone call.


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