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11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023

Updated July 31, 2023
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11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023

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11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: You might find a lot of useful content on LinkedIn if you are creating a new Social Media Strategy for your company.

Are you still not convinced? Here are 11 impressive LinkedIn statistics for 2023.

Keep reading to find out some inspirational LinkedIn stats that will help you decide if LinkedIn is right for you.

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: Why your company should join LinkedIn

LinkedIn offers the following benefits to companies that create a profile on LinkedIn:

  • Transparency –LinkedIn users have access to a wealth of information about companies through company pages on LinkedIn. Users can view their company page, posts and interact with other users to gain transparency which helps build trust.
  • Global reach: More than 73% of LinkedIn users live outside the United States, giving your company an enormous audience to connect and interact with.
  • Targeting a specific audience with demographics marketing: You can also target specific audience behaviors, interests, and engagement.
  • Account analytics: LinkedIn allows you to easily view analytics for all your posts including engagement, video performance and discovery. These analytics will allow you to analyze your impact on LinkedIn.

11 LinkedIn statistics that you need to know

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: LinkedIn connects professionals from different industries, so it could be a great place to concentrate some of your social media marketing efforts.

The following sections will be broken down from our 11 LinkedIn statistics:

  • General LinkedIn statistics
  • LinkedIn user statistics
  • LinkedIn marketing statistics

Let’s get started!

LinkedIn statistics

Linkedin statistics
Linkedin statistics

Are you looking for general LinkedIn statistics? We’ve got you covered! These statistics are amazing!

1. LinkedIn was founded in 2003.

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: In 2023 , the platform will be 20 years old. This makes it one of most popular social media platforms. LinkedIn continues to grow year after year, proving its worth.

2. LinkedIn’s annual revenue amounts to $8 billion

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: This number from 2020’s fiscal year was a significant increase from 2018, when LinkedIn’s revenue reached $5.26billion. It seems to be growing at a rapid pace. It might be a good idea to join the platform as it grows.

3. In 2016, LinkedIn was acquired by Microsoft.

The transaction was worth $26.2 billion. LinkedIn maintained its brand voice and independence following the acquisition. The company has seen continued growth ever since.

4. Every second, 95 job applications are received.

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: This stat is amazing and shows just how active LinkedIn users are. LinkedIn is very effective. LinkedIn is effective. Six million people are hired every minute on the app, and 50 millions use it every week to find new jobs.

LinkedIn is not only for individuals searching for work, but also CEOs and other high-profile decision-makers who regularly scroll through their feeds.

LinkedIn user statistics

You want to know more about LinkedIn users? These are statistics about LinkedIn users:

5. LinkedIn has over 800 million members in 200 countries and regions.

LinkedIn has more than 188 million U.S. users and 140 million European users. There are also 88 million Indian users. This is the best place to go if you want reach a lot of professionals, current or soon to be. LinkedIn has listings for more than 58 million companies.

There are over 800 million people who are interested in learning more about their industry. This can be a valuable resource.

6. LinkedIn is used by 78 million Gen-Z members.

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: Don’t let your mind be deceived into believing that only older generations are on LinkedIn. 78,000,000 profiles on the app belong primarily to people who were born between 1995-2009.

You don’t have to limit yourself to Instagram or TikTok if you want to make your social media content reach a younger audience. You may want to consider how to reach them, regardless of whether they are your target audience. Gen-Z, a powerful force in the world, is expected to make up 28% of the workforce by 2025 .

7. LinkedIn’s most popular age group is the millennials.

25-34 year old is the most popular age group on LinkedIn. LinkedIn marketing might be the best way to market to millennials.

8. LinkedIn is used by 53% of adults who have a bachelor’s degree or higher.

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: LinkedIn is still highly popular with people who have a college degree. However, those with less than a high school diploma make up 12%. LinkedIn could be a great way to market your products or company to people with higher education.

Statistics on LinkedIn Marketing

Marketing statistics
Marketing statistics

These LinkedIn marketing statistics will help you decide if you want to launch a social media campaign on this popular platform.

9. LinkedIn marketers see 2x more conversion rates.

Marketers who want to grow their reach will find these kinds of results extremely useful. LinkedIn can help you achieve high conversion rates, which is a key goal in social media marketing campaigns.

10. LinkedIn is a great source of lead generation.

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: 42% said that LinkedIn was the most effective channel to drive high-quality B2B leads when they were surveyed.

LinkedIn can help you reach the right audiences by showing your business to LinkedIn users.

11. LinkedIn profiles are used by buyers to connect with salespeople.

In particular, 80% of buyers are more inclined to consider brands if the salesperson has an informative and reputable LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a trusted resource that users show with their wallets.

702 Pros makes it easy to grow your social media presence.

11 Statistics from LinkedIn You Must Know by 2023: 702 Pros makes it easy to grow your social media channels without stress! They’re knowledgeable and can adapt to your company’s needs!

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These LinkedIn statistics for 2023 will inspire you

Are you ready for LinkedIn to reach new audiences and grow your lead generation? 702 Pros marketing specialists can help you! To get started, request more information or talk to a strategist at (702-904-4262).

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