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Understanding Search Volume and its Impact on SEO

Updated February 1, 2023
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Understanding Search Volume and its Impact on SEO

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What is Search Volume, and How does it Affect SEO and Online Marketing?

There are many different search volume metrics that measure the level of interest for a given keyword. Google’s Keyword Planner tool is a great place to start if you want to learn more about the keyword search volume for your business. The search volume for a keyword is typically calculated as the number of impressions, or the number of times a keyword was searched on Google divided by the total number of searches. For example, if there are 100 searches for ‘pizza delivery in Chicago’ and 1 million impressions then that keyword has a search volume of one percent. Search Volume Index (SVI) can be used to rank your ad based on how many people are searching for it in relation to all other keywords searched on Google. An SVI of 100 means that your keyword has the same search volume as all other keywords searched on Google combined. Search volume is essential to understand in today’s online market because it shows the potential of the website in terms of visitors and how often it is being visited.

What are the Different Types of Search Volumes

In SEO, there are different types of search volumes that you can use to figure out how many people are searching for a specific keyword in Google.

-Global: Search volume globally, the average number of searches it takes to find one website.

-National: Search volume in each country separately.

-In country: The total search volume of a keyword in any given country by itself.

-Competitor: Search volume for a competitor’s website.  You can learn which competitors your business is competing with, and what their search volume is.

-Google: Search volume for a specific keyword in Google. You can also use this to search for other keywords that are similar to the keyword you are searching for, or a competitor’s keywords.

Why is Understanding Search Volume so Important to SEO and Marketing?

Search volume metrics are the backbone of SEO and yet many sites lack an understanding of what they mean. Understanding search volume metrics is important to understand your site’s share of the market. This can tell you whether or not you should be targeting certain keywords and phrases, which in turn can help you grow your site’s traffic. 

Search volume metrics can be broken down as follows:

The number of searches per month for a particular keyword or phrase. This metric takes into account the total number of searches and displays the fraction of a term’s search volume that your site receives. 

The number of unique visitors per month to your website for a particular keyword or phrase. This metric takes into account the total number of visits and represents how many visitors to your site are looking for a single keyword or phrase. For example, a keyword that receives 10 searches per month and 5 unique visitors per month might have a share of 10% (10/100) of the search volume. 

The number of times your story has been forwarded as a recommendation by other users. This metric is not a measure of engagement, but instead represents the total number of times your story has been recommended by other users. The more someone recommends your story, the more likely it will reach an audience who has not yet read it and may find it interesting.

The number of Facebook likes for a post about your publication. The amount that you get in Facebook likes, or shares on Instagram Stories, can give you an idea about how much real demand there might be for what you’re publishing.

How to Calculate the Keyword’s Value With Search Volume Metrics?

Your keyword research is the backbone of your content marketing strategy. It’s what you’re basing all of your content on and it needs to be done meticulously if you want to be successful. You can do keyword research in many ways, but the best way is to use a tool like Google’s Adwords Keyword Planner. When you’re brainstorming content ideas, it can be hard to come up with a large supply of relevant content as well as have the time to execute everything. This is one of the reasons why keyword research is so important. For example, if you’re looking for blog posts on digital marketing tactics that work, pick a month and start brainstorming topics like “Digital marketing tactics,” “Digital advertising,” and “Broken” to see what comes up. If you’re looking for blog posts on DIY projects, pick a month and start brainstorming “DIY,” “Furniture,” or anything that comes to mind.

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