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Identifying the Need for Broken Link Building

Updated July 6, 2023
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Identifying the Need for Broken Link Building

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What is Broken Link Building?

Broken links
Broken links

Broken link building is the process of finding broken links on websites and then optimizing them. It is essential to SEO and can bring traffic to your website. Broken links or dead links are those links that are not live anymore, and your website does not have a chance to be indexed by search engines. There are two types of broken link building. One is manual, where the link builder manually finds the broken link on a website and then analyzes the page to determine whether it is an internal or external link. The other type is automatic, which uses software to find broken links on websites and optimize them. Most companies offering this service use both methods depending on the availability of sites they can access.

Why is Broken Link Building Important?

Broken link building is an integral part of digital marketing. This is because it helps increase website traffic, which in turn can generate more sales revenue and leads.

Broken link building is also essential for SEO. It helps improve the quality of a website’s backlink profile, which can help improve rankings for a website.

How to Identify that You Need Broken Link Building Services?

How do we identify that we need broken link-building services? Some of the signs are: 

– Your site gets penalized by search engines for having too many broken links 

– You have a lot of outdated content on your site, and you don’t have time to update it all 

– You are getting less traffic than before

– You are having trouble ranking for competitive keywords

The first place to check is your website analytics, which will show the number of broken links on your site. In addition, you should look at your search engine rankings to see if you have a lot of outdated content and if you are getting traffic from those pages.

Choosing an Effective Broken Link Building Tool

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of tools to help you build backlinks. It includes a description of each tool’s features and what tools are best for different types of content. The guide is organized into three categories: tools that focus on links from social media, tools that focus on links from message boards, and tool-agnostic. 

Tools That Focus on Links From Social Media:

LinkMiner – Gets indexed in Google’s search results and can be used to submit content to create backlinks.

BuzzBundle – Automatically posts content related to a topic to social media channels.

TinyURLs – Scans the source code of website URLs and generates short links.

Hashtag Explorer – Finds all the hashtags on Twitter. 

Tweetdeck – Includes search capabilities and allows you to see who is sharing content with your links.

BuzzStream – Gathers social media activity around a topic and automatically shares it on multiple channels, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Gmail, RSS feed, and more. 

Tools That Focus on Links From Message Boards:

BoardReader – Scans boards for links from discussions about websites or topics related to link building. 

BTTW Search Engine Optimization Discussion Forums – Find relevant posts to link building in the SEO community. 


Google Webmaster Tools – Gives you various tools to analyze your websites and check for problems.

SEO Bookmarks Tool – Find helpful pages about link building on the internet.

Google Alerts – Send links to webpages or keywords you’re interested in.

Citation Generator – Generate citations for your content by inputting links and other data from a website.

Choose the Best Tool for Your Needs When It Comes to Broken Link Building

In conclusion, there are many tools out there that can be used to do broken link building. There are many options for broken link building, but the best tool for you will be the one that most closely aligns with your goals.

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