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How Voice Search Impacts SEO

Updated March 8, 2023
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How Voice Search Impacts SEO

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How Do Voice Search Engines Work?

For many people, voice assistants are becoming a more and more natural way to search for products and services. These voice assistants use speech recognition software to retrieve information from websites for consumers quickly and conveniently. The biggest advantage of using these voice assistants is that they can understand vague terms and complex search queries, as well as make suggestions based on previous searches or purchases. To be successful in the market, e-commerce websites that are run primarily through voice assistants need to have clear and concise written content on their websites. Voice assistants are not perfect by any means; they don’t necessarily find every relevant result, and users may not even know what a website’s voice assistant offers before they ask it. Some voice assistants that websites can partner with include Alexa, Cortana, Google Assistant, and Siri. Since most websites today have a voice assistant integration, e-commerce websites should be focused on providing accurate and clear written content for potential customers to use in their search queries. Many e-commerce website owners are more likely to turn away from the digital era by not having a clear understanding of how their website interacts with these digital assistants. A written content strategy will allow these e-commerce websites to continue success even when consumers rely on these devices for their most important needs.

Voice Search Terminology & SEO Implications

Voice search is a relatively new feature that is rapidly growing in popularity. With voice search, you can use your voice to find the text you need rather than tediously scrolling through pages of results. Voice search is not limited to just the internet, you can also use it with apps such as Google Assistant and Siri. With voice search, you can quickly find information like the top five movies playing in a nearby theater or ask Google to show you the cities around your location. There are so many benefits to using voice search that it’s understandable why people want as many apps and devices as possible to use it. Voice search, or voice input search, is a natural language search method on digital platforms such as search engines, smart speakers, and other devices. Even though voice users are less than 10% of the search market, it is growing rapidly. The voice search functionality is increasingly becoming the only way to perform searches on mobile devices, including smartphones. Many apps and services, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri, have voice search capability built-in. Voice search has been a major topic of research for decades. The processes for using this form of natural language processing are known as speech recognition and speech synthesis, respectively. Technologies that have emerged in recent decades that have made the process more efficient include deep learning techniques, neural networks, and acoustic modeling techniques in combination with “end-to-end” encoder/decoder systems capable of automatic speech recognition. Voice search has been a major topic of research for decades. Another recent development is the use of acoustic models coupled with neural networks to try to understand what a person says in natural language fully. The advent of computing technology has provided large amounts of data on speech recognition. Speech recognition research is an example of the application of machine learning to natural language processing. In the last few years, due to advances in deep learning and neural network architectures, speech recognition accuracy has improved considerably, making it easier for search engines to connect people with the correct pages or information for their search query.

Voice Search Impact on Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is the traffic that comes from natural search without any paid or intrusive advertising. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine results. When done properly, SEO may bring traffic to a website from organic search engine results. Voice search refers to when a user can talk to a device or interactive voice interface, such as Google Home or Alexa, and have it answer questions about locations, products, and services. Voice search impacts organic traffic because it has become an SEO ranking factor for Google in the past few years. Voice search helps a site be more accessible to users, influencing Google to rank it higher.

Voice Search’s Impact on Keyword Rankings

Keyword rankings are important to any SEO strategy. They determine how many people are likely to come across an article and how much money an advertiser can expect to make. However, these rankings can be difficult to understand due to the changing nature of search engine algorithms. The introduction of voice search is one factor impacting keyword ranking today. Voice search is a rapidly expanding technology that enables consumers to search for information or perform tasks without typing into a search engine. Voice search will inevitably lead to the increased use of voice-based keyword searches, which in turn will increase keyword ranking. The increase in voice-based keyword searches has already been observed by many major e-commerce sites. For example, Shopify noted that more than 4 percent of all transactions on their website are now completed through voice search.

The Future of Voice Search & Web Searches in 2023

In the future, voice search will become more and more popular. It will be used by people to find out what they need more naturally. Voice search is going to be a huge part of our lives in the future as it becomes easier and easier to use. Voice search will have an impact on how we make decisions, how we interact with other people, and how we use technology. The future of voice searches is bright as companies work on bringing voice searches into mainstream usage. They are also making sure that the technology is accessible to everyone so that they can get their hands on it easily and use it for their benefit.

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