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ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania

Updated January 17, 2024
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ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania

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ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania

ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania //

Pennsylvania could become the first state to adopt Right to Repair this year. We have the chance to guarantee our right of repair electronic equipment such as smartphones and computers. We have the chance to preserve local repair jobs, which are often being pushed aside by manufacturers.

We need more legislators to support Pennsylvania’s bill. Please write to your representatives and ask them to support Right to Repair.

Based on our experience, phone calls and letters to local representatives can make all the difference. Please reach out to them to ask for their support of the Digital Right to Repair Act. It is easy. Simply go to and we’ll track down your legislators’ contact information for you.

We’ve heard from legislators that phone calls have the biggest impact, so please consider giving your representatives a call using our simple calling tool, on

Let’s get right to repair Pennsylvania!

Get in touch with your local reps today!

Common Questions About Right to Repair

What is Right to Repair?

It is easy to repair right away. Manufacturers must provide fair access to information and replacement parts to owners and independent repair companies. This allows you to quickly fix your stuff and get on with your day.

This sounds amazing! It sounds great!

Manufacturers like John Deere or Apple don’t like this idea. They want to be the only ones who can fix your tractor or your phone if it breaks. They can set their own prices for parts and services.

Is it right to repair a new idea?

Nope! Nope! They also have the same service manuals and software diagnostics as the dealerships. This is the result decades of auto Right to Repair legislation that has been a huge success.

What are the steps to get involved?

It is time to defend your right to repair and protect local jobs – the corner mom-and pop repair shops that continue to get squeezed out. Call or write your legislator. Tell your legislator that you support Fair Repair Act. You will tell them that repair should be affordable, fair, and accessible. For Pennsylvania repair, stand up!

The post Support Right to Repair in Pennsylvania was first published by Vance Bell. It was originally published on Vance Bell.


ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvaniaort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania

ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania

ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania

ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania

ort Right to Repair in Pennsylvania

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