Why Should I Have a Google Plus Business Page: How will it help my business and why?
Why Should I Have a Google Plus Business Page??? This question has baffled many scholars throughout history. Julius Caesar asked himself this very question over 2000 years ago and now we are asking it again.
Disclaimer: Caesar never heard of Google Plus nor did he ask himself that question. In no way is 702Pros.com affiliated with Caesar, Spartacus, or Caesar Salad/dressing or otherwise.
What is Google Plus?
Google Plus is a social media site founded by you guessed it – GOOGLE, good job. And what does Google love? You got it again. Themselves! Google also owns YouTube Just an FYI.
How will creating a Google Plus Account Help your Business?
All social media sites will help your customer engagement. Although, there are a few benefits I would like to cover specifically for Google Plus.
Google Plus is owned by Google
I’m not an expert in math but you don’t have to be a mathematician to figure out this math equation.
Google x people + (Google +.. I’m kidding… There is no math problem. Sorry for confusing you.
Google is the most popular website/search engine, by far, and people are still using Google as their main source of finding information (ie. your business). Google owns Google Plus and would like it to succeed, thus they give perks for people using it. Google is a friend you want to have in business, so it’s always a good idea to make your friends happy.