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Why Is Web Design Important?

Updated July 12, 2023
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This page will discuss the importance of design and give you seven essential design elements to your website. To speak with a strategist, call at or 702-904-4262 today.

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Why web design matters

You may want to know how essential website design is when you want to make a new website. What does this mean for your company and your users? We are going to show you five reasons why web design is so crucial.

  1. It is the first impression of your company

Your website is the first impression your customers gets about your company. Within seconds, they will judge your company. As a business owner, you want to have a long lasting impression on your customers within the first few seconds of them browsing your website.

Your customers will immediately have a negative view of your business if your website is unappealing and outdated. Your website won’t appeal to them, and they will leave your page. They’ll abandon your page in favor of a competitor’s, which will mean you miss out on potential leads.

Your audience’s perception of your brand is affected by web design. Your impression on the customer will determine whether they stay on your page to learn more about you or go to another competitor. You can keep your leads on your web page with a good web design.

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2. It helps you with your search engine optimization (SEO).

Web design practices and elements can have an affect on how content is put onto your website. This in turn impacts how search engine spiders crawl and index your website.
This is the one thing you can’t afford to make a mistake with. You’ll have a difficult time getting visibility if your on page SEO fundamentals aren’t up to par.

Other than how content is displayed on your site, some web design elements can have an impact on SEO. If you don’t know much about web design, it can be rather confusing. However, SEO-friendly code is essential.

Partnering up with a Web Design Agency which includes SEO Services is the best way to ensure web design excellence and search engine visibility.

3. It creates a positive impression about customer service

Your website is a good gauge of how you will treat customers. Your website design is a mirror of your views on your customers. Your customers will see that you haven’t put in any effort in your website’s design and that means you do not care about assisting them.

Your website acts as a customer service representative. Users will feel more homey on your website if it is modern, bright, and welcoming. Your website will give off the affect that your are open to all visitors.

A dull and unattractive website can make your company seem distant and non-welcoming. People won’t visit a company that doesn’t value them enough for them to make a positive impression on their customers.

Your web design is the digital face for your business. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a welcoming face greet someone who walks into your business? A modern and updated web design can be the equivalent of a friendly face welcoming your visitors.


4. A website design gives confidence among your users

Poorly designed websites are not trusted by people. Your site won’t be trusted if they don’t like the design or the information is outdated. Your site may be seen as untrustworthy by them because it doesn’t have a recent web design.

Imagine a person who wants to place a large order with a manufacturing business. Your manufacturing website may not convey trust. They will find another company to fulfill their bulk order.

A professional website, on the other hand signals trust to your audience. They will feel more comfortable visiting your site and will be more likely to trust you.

To keep your visitors on your site, it is important to build trust. Your business will have more leads if visitors stay longer on your site.

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5. It’s what your competitors do

Here’s an important reason why web design is so important: Your competition uses web design. Web design is essential if you want to stay in the competition.

Your website should be different from other websites. Your website will be outranked by your competitors if it is outdated, unprofessional, or low quality. Your website will be outperformed by a well-designed website.

This will result in you losing leads to your competition. Because their page is more attractive, they will attract more leads.

You have the opportunity to differentiate your business from other businesses by designing your website. You will often have similar services and pricing when you compete with other businesses. Your business must have that one thing that makes it stand out from all the rest.


Your business can showcase its unique qualities through a well-designed website. Your audience can see why you are better than the rest.

6. It ensures consistency

You want to create a robust brand if you’re looking to get new leads to your company. Your customers should become familiar with your brand, so that they can pick you for conversion. Because they create regularity across pages, online web designs are necessary.

Your website must use the same fonts, styles and layouts on every page. Your site will look inexpert if you use a different design for every page. This makes it harder to build brand recognition as your audience will not know the colors you associate with your brand.

People will leave your website if it is inconsistent. They will switch to a site that looks better. Consistency builds trust and keeps leads on your site longer. This key element will help you earn more leads and converts.

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7 essential elements of web design quality

Now that you understand the seriousness of web design, let’s look at elements that contribute to a quality design. These are the seven essential elements that you should include in your web design.

1. Solid navigation

Users want to obtain information quickly and easily when they visit your website. You must make it easy for your visitors to navigate your site.

Your audience does not want to have to search for information. Your navigation bar should be easy to use and direct them to the information they require. Your navigation will discourage your audience’s engagement on your site.

Attention spans of visitors are very short. You must make it easy for them to find the information they need quickly if you want them to stay on your site. They will be able to find the information they are looking for with a well-designed navigation.

Navigation should be easy to understand. Your audience will find the information they are looking for easily by using broad headings that cover many subtopics. This is the fastest way to help your audience find what they need quickly.

2. Responsive design

Responsive design has never been more important with the increase in mobile devices. Your site will be accessible from many devices including desktops, smartphones, tablets and computers. You must make sure that your leads stay on your site.

Responsive design ensures your audience has a great experience on your website, regardless of what device they are operating. Your website will adjust to their device so that it is the right size for them. This is a great way to keep leads interested and engaged in your website.

Responsive design helps keep leads on your site longer. Responsive design is essential for a website that’s successful.

3. Style guide

Web design, as we have stated before, is essential because it ensures consistency across all pages. Consistency builds brand recognition for your audience and keeps them on your site longer. A style guide can help you have a consistent brand image across your website.

Your style guide will help you decide how your website should look. Your style guide is what you decide on the color, format, typography and other details for each page of your website. This allows you to ensure that each element added to your website is consistent with the rest.

Your team will benefit from your style guide. Your style guide can be referenced by your team whenever they add elements to your website. This makes it easy for people to add elements to your website.

A consistent design across your website creates a cohesive site. Your guests will stay longer on your website and increase brand recognition. This will allow you to convert more customers.

4. Purposeful images

Visual elements are often integrated by companies to increase website engagement. Viewers are 10x more likely to interact with video than text.

Visual elements can be great for engaging customers and breaking down text. However, there are some businesses that go too far with their images. They overload their sites with videos and photos. The site feels overwhelming and cluttered.

Although it may seem great to include lots of videos and photos to increase engagement, it can be overwhelming if you have too many. Too many images can make it hard to read the text.

You must ensure that your website has a balanced mix of images and text if you want to have success. Do not add visual elements just to get more engagement.

Make sure to use visual elements in a purposeful way. You can integrate video into your text if you have a lot of text explaining your services. It still provides your audience with a point to interact with and keeps their attention.

Knowing why web design matters will help you make better decisions about your website. It is important that your website doesn’t have too many visual elements.

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5. Copywriting is a good idea

Your website is where your audience will go to find important information. You must write high-quality copy when you post information to your website.

Good copy will keep your audience on the page for longer. They will read everything you have to say and learn more about your company. For consistency, your style should match the style of your website.

Your website’s content is just as important as its overall design. Therefore, it is crucial that you provide valuable information to your visitors.

6. Call-to-action buttons

You want to convert leads once you have them on your website. Your call to action (CTA) button is a key component of this. When you want to get your audience to take action, web design is crucial.

Your audience will be more likely to click on a well-designed CTA button to move to the next step. These buttons are not only compatible with your design, but also stand out on the page. These buttons will immediately grab the attention of your audience.

A yellow CTA button will stand out if you have a color scheme that includes black, white and gray. Although it still fits the scheme, people will naturally gravitate towards a bright yellow button.

You can drive more audience members to your site by incorporating CTA buttons in your design.

7. Page speed

It doesn’t matter how beautiful your website design is, if no one sees it. Web design is all about page speed. This ensures your site loads quickly so that information is available quickly to your audience.

Slow loading pages are a huge turnoff for your audience. Your audience will quickly lose interest if your page takes too much time to load. They will go back to search results and choose a page from a competitor.

Google pagespeed insights can help you determine the speed of your site. This tool will allow you to see how fast your site loads currently and where you can make improvements. These improvements must be made by you.

Another option is to use page speeds provided by a digital marketing agency. This allows you to enjoy the speed of loading pages while still focusing on your business.

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702 Pros can help you build the website of your dreams

Your online marketing campaign’s success will depend on the design of your website. You must design a website that is informative and drives customers to your business to get the best results. 702 Pros has over 15 years of experience in designing websites.

We are a digital marketing agency that offers full services and specializes in custom website design. Our experts will help you with your campaign. We understand the importance of web design and can help create a website that you love.

702 Pros is a company that delivers results. 702 Pros has generated over $86 million in sales for clients over the last five years and more than 7.8 million leads. We are experts in creating websites that will help clients grow their businesses.

We don’t need to convince you! Ask our clients! Take a look at our 845+ testimonials to see the amazing work we do!

Create your website of dreams today

Contact us online to get started building your dream website. Call us at (702) 904-4262 to speak with a strategist.

We are looking forward to supporting your business!

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