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How to Redesign an Elementor Website in 2022

Updated December 1, 2021
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How to Redesign an Elementor Website in 2022 

So, you’ve inherited a WordPress website … What should you do next? Do you keep it as it is or completely redesign and rebrand? Well, the answer to that question is actually quite simple and combines both choices. This article will give you a modern solution to the age old problem of inconsistent websites.

Website Redesign Example

Why Should You Redesign Your Website?

First, you need to understand why you should redesign your website. There are plenty of reasons, but you can reduce it down to these few:

  1. Make Your Business More Profitable
  2. Improve User Experience
  3. The Site Looks Outdated
  4. It’s Not Mobile Responsive
  5. Users are Having Trouble Navigating the Site

If you are unfamiliar with what these reasons are, or would just like to read more, check out this article written by Justin Young of 702 Pros or this article by Elementor.

The Power of Elementor

Now that you’ve determined why to redesign, you should know why Elementor is so impactful and considered to be the industry leader for WordPress website builders. One of the many reasons why elementor is so popular today is that it is extremely compatible with thousands of WordPress plugins. This means that the possibilities of what kinds of websites you can create are essentially endless. In addition, Elementor has an extremely intuitive User Interface, making it very easy to learn, even for the most beginner of website developers. With their UI, you can skip the tedious step of writing front-end code from scratch. Last, but not least, Elementor’s responsive features and capabilities make creating stunning websites easy for the current and ever progressing mobile world.

Elementor User Interface

Using Elementor the Smarter Way

While it is very tempting to get started immediately in creating your website through Elementor, there are some ways to make the entire process seamless and more time effective. You need to think about the logistics of your site and how to be consistent. Remember, a great brand is consistent in every aspect of their company! So, here are just a few of the things that you should be looking out for before doing any design: (a) Site Settings, (b) Media Library, and (c) the logo and favicon. In the site settings, you can set certain elements of your site to be used throughout such as the colors and fonts, theme styles, site identity, and layout. By doing this, there is no need to keep entering color hex codes, font styles, and padding around certain sections. With the media library, you should collect all of the images that you plan to use in the site. By inserting all images beforehand and setting their alternate text, not only would you make the design process quicker but also optimize your SEO ranking for the finished site. The logo and favicon, although a pretty simple concept, can determine whether or not your site truly looks professional. So, when you have created those items, include them in the site identity portion of the settings. These global settings are just a beginning into making the elementor design process simpler, so as you gain more experience, add your own best practices to develop a better workflow.

Elementor Global Settings

Having Fun With Elementor

Now comes the fun part! You’ve done the setup and you can begin to start designing. Every designer does things differently, so come up with your own process and start getting those creative juices flowing. If you need to create mockups beforehand, hand drawn or digital, then do so and get a clear idea of what your site will look like. If you are more of a go with the flow type of designer, go right ahead. One important thing to remember, though, is that you always want to live up to industry standards when designing. How else would you expect your site to do as well as the leading websites if you’re not doing things the same way as their development teams? This means that you should always be looking for plugins that can do difficult tasks for you, or ways to make your designing easier. Use templates throughout your site, such as the header, footer, and mobile pop up window. By learning these types of skills, your site will look and feel amazing. And if you ever get stuck, then lean on your resources. There are always guides online, youtube videos, and peers that would help you learn and grow towards creating better Elementor WordPress sites. If you really want to dive in more or do things by the book, then check out this great website redesign guide by Elementor.

Elementor Redesign Guide

Final Thoughts and Tips

Well, here you are at the end of your site redesign. But be careful, this is not the end of working on your site completely. If you’ve ever worked on a site before, you would know that website plugins may need to be updated. While doing so, it may break the site layout or design. So, be sure to consistently update your sites’ plugins and themes, improve the SEO techniques, and always search for ways to IMPROVE YOUR WEBSITE! If you enjoyed reading this article, feel free to check out more from 702 Pros here.

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