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How to Detect and Remove Duplicate Content on Your Website

Updated July 12, 2023
~ minute read
How to Detect and Remove Duplicate Content on Your Website

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What is Duplicate Content?

Duplicate content can be defined as two or more pages that are essentially the same, with only minor variations. This is a common issue with the accessibility of information on the internet and can ultimately lead to more confusion than clarity. In the case of a website, duplication would occur when another page exists with the same content as a page on the site. Duplicate content can be created accidentally by a miscommunication between developers or when an editor who is not familiar with the business or site decides to create a page that in some way overlaps the content of another page. It can also happen on purpose, often in order to boost search engine rankings. Duplicate content is usually identified by search engines as “indexing duplicate pages.” This means that one of the duplicates has been indexed into Google’s index and therefore appears in web searches. Generally, this will have a negative impact on users who are searching for information that exists on the indexed page.

How Does Duplicate Content Affect Your SEO?


Duplicate content can be an SEO nightmare. In this article, we explore the different ways duplicate content can affect your website’s SEO. score. When it comes to ranking in search engines, content is king. Increasing the number of pages and posts on your website while remaining focused on your target audience and providing value to them will increase your site’s ranking power in online search results. While there is no easy way to avoid duplicate content, knowing how it can affect your site’s visibility can help you prepare for potential problems ahead of time. 

Here are some of the ways duplicate content can impact your website’s SEO:

-Duplicate content will be seen as spammy and irrelevant by search engines.

-If duplicate content is on a high page ranking, it can potentially decrease the relevancy of other pages on your website. 

-If you have duplicate content, it can be difficult to rank highly in a search engine because there are so many other sites with similar content.

What are the Different Ways You Can Detect Duplicate Content on a Website?

Duplicate content is a common problem that can arise with websites. There are many different ways to detect duplicates, but not all methods are as effective as others. One method is to use a template based on the keyword, which gives you the text you need, but it won’t help you avoid duplicates if they’re related. Another method is to use a natural language processing tool like TensorFlow or Microsoft Azure AI Service. These tools can find similarities in language and help identify duplicate content in seconds. With these technologies, you can quickly identify and remove duplicate content from your website easily.

What Are the Proven Ways to Remove Duplicated Content on a Website?

Duplicate content is a problem for search engine optimization and for users browsing a website. If a website has duplicate content, it might not be indexed by the search engine and, therefore, won’t appear in search results. To remove duplicate content from a website, the content can be merged into one master copy and then uniquely uploaded to each page. This term is often used interchangeably with “canonical URL” or “main URL.” However, canonical URLs are defined as the “original” or “main” URL that should be used when linking to a website.

Be Sure To Check Out These Awesome Tools That Can Help You Find and Remove Duplicate Page


The next step is to use AI tools to find duplicates and remove them from your site. There are some awesome tools that help with this process, such as: 

-Duplicate Finder by Sucuri: This tool helps with finding duplicates in websites but also helps with removing them too! 

-WordPress Duplicate Post Detector: This tool will help you find duplicates within WordPress posts and even delete them! 

Google Search Console Duplicate Posts: This tool will help you find duplicates in blog posts and even help with removing them!

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